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10/21: Call for tenders to produce a short film on bycatch observation best practices

Nueva Tabarca - Spain

UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC is looking for a production company to elaborate a creative video to share experience and learnings from the bycatch observer’s programme.







The film aims to promote and share learnings from the bycatch Observers’ Programme, implemented in the framework of the MedBycatch project financed by MAVA.

More specifically, the objectives are to

  • facilitate replication of best practices and effective solutions in other contexts
  • enhance the existing collaborative approach among stakeholders, primarily fishers and observers
  • promote the role of observers and fishers as part of the solution to the bycatch issue.

The film should feature a series of personal stories from 4 to 6 bycatch observers and fishers involved in the bycatch observer programme from Tunisia and Turkey.

The video should include short real footage of the observers and fishers, before switching to cartoon mode to reconstruct the stories they share.

More details are available in the Terms of reference.

Offers must be received electronically at the following e-mail address: car-asp@spa-rac.org, before 9 November 2021, at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis Time).

An information meeting could be organized during the week of November 1st, in case one or more companies express the need.  For this, a request must be sent to SPA/RAC by Friday 29 October at the latest by email at car-asp@spa-rac.org

This activity is part of The project intitled ‘Experiences & knowledge sharing for building strong relations and maintaining collaborations between fishery observers and the fishing community’ funded by MAVA. The project is implemented by MEDASSET (coordinator), DEKAMER, TUDAV, Doga Dernegi, WWF Turkey, SPA/RAC, AAO, WWF_MED, ACCOBAMS, INRH, BirdLife Europe and Central Asia.