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02/17: Meeting of the Correspondence Group on Monitoring (CORMON) Biodiversity and Fisheries

CORMON meeting - 2017

SPA/RAC organised the meeting of the Correspondence Group on Monitoring (CORMON) Biodiversity and Fisheries on February 28 – March 01, 2017 in Madrid (Spain)

This meeting has been organised to follow-up on the COP 19, particularly the decision IG.22/7 related to the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast and Related Assessment Criteria, (IMAP).

The IG.22/7 decision requested the secretariat and the Correspondence groups on Monitoring (CORMON) to work on the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) refinement especially in relation to scales of assessment, specification and further quantification of GES, and further development of the candidate indicators.

In light of this, the CORMON meeting has been an occasion to follow-up on the recommendations of the COP 19, and to make sure to reach the following objectives:

  • share and exchange information on the revision of the national monitoring programmes to be updated in light of the Integrated Monitoring and assessment programme (IMAP) adopted by COP 19 (Athens, Greece, 9-12 February 2016),
  • review and discuss elaborated documents on biodiversity (EO1) and NIS (EO2) common indicators and update on the development of the candidate indicators of EO3 by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM),
  • review and discuss the concept and timelines for the elaboration of the 2017 Quality Status Report.

To know more about the meeting, please visit the CORMON web page.