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03/22: Call for consultancy to work on GES assessment under the ABIOMMED Project


SPA/RAC is launching a call for consultancy in the framework of the ABIOMMED project to support the implementation of the activities under Task 6.2: “Review of the different elements associated to GES assessment including climate change”.





The consultant will contribute to the elaboration of a study on the state of the art of the available information on the Good Environmental Status (GES) in the Mediterranean and the effects of climate change and other cumulative pressures in its determination. This work will be done under task 6.2 of the ABIOMMED project.

This EU financed project aims to support the regional cooperation for the preparation of the next 6-year cycle of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive by providing guidance and methods on the biodiversity descriptors’ assessment and to ensure the link with the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) of the Barcelona Convention.

Proposals must be received by emails at car-asp@spa-rac.org, no later than Monday 11 April 2022 at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis Time).

The terms of reference (available only in English) including the conditions of participation, evaluation procedure and other useful information concerning this call for consultancy are detailed at the following link.